
Here is the list of all publications of our research group. You can look at a list of all publications or at shorter lists of only the Journal Papers or Conference Papers.

Authors Venue Datesort icon Title Type
Andrea Adamoli
Koli Calling '17 November, 2017 Metacognitive calibration when learning to program Conference Paper
Andrea Adamoli
Mohammad Azadmanesh
Koli Calling '17 November, 2017 The program is the system: introduction to programming without abstraction Conference Paper
Andrea Adamoli
ECTEL'17 September, 2017 Identifying Misconceptions with Active Recall in a Blended Learning System Conference Paper
Mohammad Azadmanesh
VISSOFT'17 September, 2017 Concept-Driven Generation of Intuitive Explanations of Program Execution for a Visual Tutor Conference Paper
Mohammad Azadmanesh
Michael Van De Vanter
ICPC'17 May, 2017 Language-independent information flow tracking engine for program comprehension tools Conference Paper
Augusto Born de Oliveira
Sebastian Fischmeister
Amer Diwan
Peter Sweeney
ICST'17 March, 2017 Perphecy: Performance Regression Test Selection Made Simple but Effective Conference Paper
Luis Mastrangelo
Luca Ponzanelli
Andrea Mocci
Michele Lanza
Nathaniel Nystrom
OOPSLA'15 October, 2015 Use at Your Own Risk: The Java Unsafe API in the Wild Conference Paper
Dmitri Makarov
GPCE'15 October, 2015 CLOP: A multi-stage compiler to seamlessly embed heterogeneous code Conference Paper
Mohammad Azadmanesh
PPPJ'15 September, 2015 BLAST: Bytecode-Level Analysis on Sliced Traces Conference Paper
Teseo Schneider
Patrick Zulian
Mohammad Azadmanesh
Rolf Krause
VISSOFT'15 September, 2015 Vestige: A Visualization Framework for Engineering Geometry-Related Software Conference Paper
Luis Mastrangelo
PPPJ'14 September, 2014 JNIF: Java Native Instrumentation Framework Conference Paper
Dave Clarke
Tony Clear
Kathi Fisler
Shriram Krishnamurthi
Joe Gibbs Politz
Ville Tirronen
Tobias Wrigstad
ITiCSE-WGR '14 June, 2014 In-Flow Peer Review Conference Paper
Dmitri Makarov
PPPJ'13 September, 2013 Jikes RDB: A Debugger for the Jikes RVM Conference Paper
Augusto Born de Oliveira
Sebastian Fischmeister
Amer Diwan
Peter Sweeney
ASPLOS'13 March, 2013 Why You Should Care About Quantile Regression Conference Paper
Dmitrijs Zaparanuks
PLDI'12 June, 2012 Algorithmic Profiling Conference Paper
Milan Jovic
Andrea Adamoli
OOPSLA'11 October, 2011 Catch Me If You Can: Performance Bug Detection in the Wild Conference Paper
Dmitrijs Zaparanuks
MODELS'11 October, 2011 Vision Paper: The Essence of Structural Models Conference Paper
Dmitrijs Zaparanuks
ECOOP'11 July, 2011 The Beauty and the Beast: Separating Design from Algorithm Conference Paper
Andrea Adamoli
SoftVis'10 October, 2010 Trevis: A Context Tree Visualization & Analysis Framework and its Use for Classifying Performance Failure Reports Conference Paper
Todd Mytkowicz
Amer Diwan
Peter Sweeney
PLDI'10 June, 2010 Evaluating the accuracy of Java profilers Conference Paper
Dmitrijs Zaparanuks
ISPASS'10 March, 2010 Characterizing the Design and Performance of Interactive Java Applications Conference Paper
Andrea Adamoli
Milan Jovic
ISPASS'10 March, 2010 LagAlyzer: A latency profile analysis and visualization tool Conference Paper
Andrea Adamoli
PPPJ'09 August, 2009 Solve & Evaluate with Informa: A Java-based Classroom Response System for Teaching Java Conference Paper
Dmitrijs Zaparanuks
Milan Jovic
ISPASS'09 April, 2009 Accuracy of Performance Counter Measurements Conference Paper
Todd Mytkowicz
Amer Diwan
Peter Sweeney
ASPLOS'09 March, 2009 Producing Wrong Data Without Doing Anything Obviously Wrong! Conference Paper
Matthias.Hauswirth CollaborateCom'08 November, 2008 Informa: An Extensible Framework for Group Response Systems Conference Paper
Milan Jovic
PPPJ'08 September, 2008 Measuring the Performance of Interactive Applications with Listener Latency Profiling Conference Paper
Dmitrijs Zaparanuks
Amirhossein Malekpour
Mostafa Keikha
PPPJ'08 September, 2008 The JavaFest: A Collaborative Learning Technique for Java Programming Courses Conference Paper
Todd Mytkowicz
Peter Sweeney
Amer Diwan
MICRO'07 December, 2007 Time Interpolation: So Many Metrics, So Few Registers Conference Paper
Dmitrijs Zaparanuks
Milan Jovic
PPPJ'07 September, 2007 The Potential of Speculative Class-Loading Conference Paper
Amer Diwan
Peter Sweeney
Michael Mozer
OOPSLA'05 October, 2005 Automating Vertical Profiling Conference Paper
Trishul Chilimbi
ASPLOS'04 October, 2004 Low-Overhead Memory Leak Detection Using Adaptive Statistical Profiling Conference Paper
Peter Sweeney
Amer Diwan
Michael Hind
OOPSLA'04 October, 2004 Vertical profiling: understanding the behavior of object-oriented applications Conference Paper
Robert Wisniewski
Peter Sweeney
Kartik Sudeep
Evelyn Duesterwald
Calin Cascaval
Reza Azimi
PAC2'04 October, 2004 Performance and Environment Monitoring for Whole-System Characterization and Optimization Conference Paper
Peter Sweeney
Brendan Cahoon
Perry Cheng
Amer Diwan
David Grove
Michael Hind
VM'04 May, 2004 Using Hardware Performance Monitors to Understand the Behavior of Java Applications Conference Paper
Martin Burtscher
Amer Diwan
PLDI'02 June, 2002 Static Load Classification for Improving the Value Predictability of Data Cache Misses Conference Paper