The following tools came out of our research:
- Alignment Explorer - Dynamic time warping tool
- BLAST - Bytecode-Level Analysis on Sliced Traces
- CLOP - A language for OpenCL OPtimizations
- FlyBy - Profiler capturing end-user performance bug reports
- Hac - A Java class library for hierarchical agglomerative clustering
- InfectoMeter - A tool that helps to place bug fixes
- Informa Mastery - Asynchronous Blended Mastery Learning platform
- Informa Clicker - Software classroom clicker system
- JNIF - Java Native Instrumentation Framework
- LagAlyzer - Latency trace visualizer
- LagHunter - Performance bug detector
- LiLa - Listener latency profiler
- Performance Explorer - Offline trace visualization tool
- Pounder - Automated Java GUI performance testing (extensions to a great tool developed outside our group)
- RDB - The Jikes RVM debugger
- Shadow Data - Java tool to attach meta data to heap objects
- TuningFork - Online trace visualization tool (initial version of the tool later developed by IBM)
- Trevis - Tree visualization and analysis library