Statistics are used to summarize observations before turning the summaries into geometric objects.
- stat_abline - used by geom_abline
- stat_bin - used by geom_bar == geom_histogram, and geom_freqpoly
- stat_bin2d - used by geom_bin2d
- stat_binhex - used by geom_hex
- stat_boxplot - used by geom_boxplot
- stat_contour - used by geom_contour
- stat_density - used by geom_density
- stat_density2d - used by geom_density2d
- stat_ecdf
- stat_function
- stat_hline - used by geom_hline
- stat_identity - used by a large number of geoms
- stat_qq
- stat_quantile - used by geom_quantile
- stat_smooth - used by geom_smooth
- stat_spoke
- stat_sum
- stat_summary
- stat_unique
- stat_vline - used by geom_vline