ggplot2 Quick Reference: geom

Geometric objects (geoms) are the visual representations of (subsets of) observations.

List of Geoms Currently Described in this Quick Reference

Click on any of the following images to see the quick reference of the corresponding geom.

Coming up next: geom_bar, geom_boxplot

Complete List of all Geoms

geom Useful stats (default in bold) Default position adjustment Composite Parameters (when used with given stat)
blank identity identity no parameters
abline abline identity slope, intercept, size, linetype, colour, alpha
identity identity slope, intercept, size, linetype, colour, alpha
hline hline identity yintercept, size, linetype, colour, alpha
identity identity y, yend, size, linetype, colour, alpha
vline vline identity xintercept, size, linetype, colour, alpha
identity identity x, xend, size, linetype, colour, alpha
text identity identity x, y, label, size, colour, alpha, hjust, vjust, parse
point identity identity x, y, size, shape, colour, fill, alpha, na.rm
jitter identity jitter x, y, size, shape, colour, fill, alpha, na.rm
segment identity identity x, xend, y, yend, size, linetype, colour, alpha, arrow
line identity identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, arrow
bar identity stack x, y, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha, weight(?) ???
bin stack x, y, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha, weight(?) ???
histogram alias for geom_bar
area identity stack yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha, na.rm
ribbon identity identity yes group, x, ymin, ymax, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha, na.rm
linerange identity identity x, ymin, ymax, size, linetype, colour, alpha
pointrange identity identity x, y, ymin, ymax, size, shape, linetype, colour, fill, alpha
errorbar identity identity x, ymin, ymax, size, linetype, colour, alpha, width
errorbarh identity identity x, xmin, xmax, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, height
crossbar identity identity x, y, ymin, ymax, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha, width, fatten
boxplot identity dodge x, ymin, lower, middle, upper, ymax, size, colour, fill, alpha, weight(?), width(?), outliers(?), outlier.size, outlier.shape, outlier.colour ???
boxplot dodge x, ymin, lower, middle, upper, ymax, size, colour, fill, alpha, weight(?), width(?), outliers(?), outlier.size, outlier.shape, outlier.colour ???
path identity identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, na.rm, arrow, linemitre, linejoin, lineend
polygon identity identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha
rect identity identity xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha
rug identity identity x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha
step identity identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, direction
bin2d identity identity xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha, weight(?) ???
bin2d identity xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha, weight(?) ???
tile identity identity x, y, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha
hex identity identity x, y, size, colour, fill, alpha
binhex identity x, y, size, colour, fill, alpha
density identity identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha, weight(?) ???
density identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha, weight(?) ???
density2d identity identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, weight(?), na.rm, arrow, linemitre, linejoin, lineend ???
density2d identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, weight(?), na.rm, arrow, linemitre, linejoin, lineend ???
contour identity identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, weight(?), na.rm, arrow, linemitre, linejoin, lineend ???
contour identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, weight(?), na.rm, arrow, linemitre, linejoin, lineend ???
freqpoly identity identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, weight(?) ???
bin identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, weight(?) ???
quantile identity identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, na.rm, arrow, linemitre, linejoin, lineend
quantile identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, alpha, weight, quantiles, formula, xseq, method, na.rm, arrow, linemitre, linejoin, lineend
smooth identity identity yes group, x, y, ymin, ymax, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha
smooth identity yes group, x, y, size, linetype, colour, fill, alpha, weight


We retrieved the list of supported parameters and their default values using Geom$find(geomname)$parameters(), where geomname is the string representing the geom (e.g., "point"). For some geoms, this does not provide all the parameters (e.g., geom_abline also supports the slope and intercept parameters), so we read the source code to try to determine which parameters the corresponding geom might use.